Master of Arts in Preaching and Pastoral Ministry (With Languages) - 48 credits
RW 001 Trinity Tutorial – 0 credits
Major Core – 30 credits
- RW 610 Understanding Bibliographic Research
- BS 518 Biblical Hermeneutics
- PM 541 Theology of Ministry
- PM 594 Ministry and Contextualization
- TH 511 Theology I
- TH 512 Theology II
- LD 503 Leadership Development for Ministry
- EP 675 Old Testament Expository Preaching
- EP 674 New Testament Expository Preaching
- EP 695 Contemporary Preaching
Languages – 12 credits
- LG 593 Biblical Hebrew I
- LG 594 Biblical Hebrew II
- LG 693 Biblical Greek I
- LG 694 Biblical Greek II
Spiritual Formation Core – 3 credits
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
RW 605 Masters Thesis – 3 credits