Trinity Institutional Development Fund

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The Institutional Development Fund finances Trinity’s outreach ministries which reduce the increasing number of teen suicides and fulfill our Lord’s command to make disciples. These are:
Until now, Trinity has financed these three vital ministries with tuition revenue. However, it has become imperative to expand these ministries quickly with additional, trained, Certified representatives and gifted Evangelists. The expansion of these ministries will immediately reduce the number of suicides and bring more men and women, boys and girls to Christ.

Teen Suicide Prevention Program Presentations

More than 1,200,000 teens have been challenged by this Presentation presented in high school assemblies.

Hundreds of teens have turned in pills, razors and other weapons which were to be used for suicide the same day the Presentation was presented.

The non-religious content of this 45-minute Presentation is welcomed by both public, private and religious high schools.

Each teen in attendance receives a brochure containing a Contract For Life. This pledge is signed by the teen and witnessed by a parent.

Corporate sponsorship of the presentations places the name of the sponsor in the hands of thousands of families across America. Media coverage of the presentation gives added public relations benefits and corporate visibility to the sponsor.

The Presentations are facilitated by trained and Certified Trinity representatives.

Trinity Crusades For Christ

More than 237,000 decisions for Christ from the time the Crusades began in January, 1991

Local, church, city-wide, area-wide and overseas Crusades

10,000 decisions for Christ in the 2007 Philippines Crusade

Trinity Inmate Education Program

he Inmate Education Program was specifically designed to provide inmates the opportunity to earn college credits in Christian based education. We have developed this program to be as cost efficient as possible but some of our inmates need your help in covering the cost of their education. Will you help build up the Kingdom of God by investing in these students’ in depth study of the Scriptures and the life changing teaching of Christ? Supporting this important mission is easy and tax deductible.

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