Prominent Graduates

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Graduates Who Make a Difference

A Few Of Our Prominent Graduates:
— Dr. Stephen F. Olford, Founder of Olford Ministries International in Memphis, TN, which became The Stephen Olford Center at Union University
“Trinity Theological Seminary is a ‘Godsend’ to pastors and laymen alike who desire to pursue theological training while remaining in their pastorates or vocational positions. Trinity provides biblically-based and practically-related training programs to meet the need of leaders today. The school is particularly meaningful to me in that it includes in its curriculum lectures on anointed expository preaching. The standard of teaching and the level of its scholastic program provide recognized degrees for the ambitious & hard-working student. And one of Trinity’s greatest values is that it is a distance education program that spreads wide across the world. For these & other reasons, I warmly recommend the Seminary.”
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