Doctor of Ministry
To offer experienced ministers opportunities to hone skills in theological reflection, research design, and methods within a specified area of ministry to improve their service and leadership among God’s people.
Learning Competencies:
- Learners will refine the theological basis for ministry in their area of specialization
- Learners will describe and evaluate various approaches to conflict resolution within Christian organizations.
- Learners will use appropriate research methodology to evaluate and improve their practice of ministry.
- Learners will complete a Capstone Ministry Project reflecting their theological basis for ministry and their understanding of sound research principles.
General Doctor of Ministry Information
Prerequisite: M.Div. degree or equivalent in a relevant field. (Minimum 72 Masters level credits)
Total Credits required = 36. All courses are 3 semester credit hours unless noted otherwise. Courses may be taken in any order unless otherwise specified. Transfer credit is on a case-by-case basis at the doctoral level. The transfer must be relevant to the student’s program of study and equivalent in both content and degree level of doctoral courses. Transfer (grades of ‘B’ or above) must satisfy the requirements of the program. Awarding degree credit for experiential learning is not available at the doctoral level.
RW 001 Trinity Tutorial – 0 credits
RW 725 Writing for Christian Scholarship – 3 credits
- Focus Core – Varies – SEE LISTINGS
- Research Core – Varies – SEE LISTINGS
- Spiritual Formation Core – 3 credits – SEE LISTINGS
Three Academic Presentations – 3 credits
- QP 801 Doctoral Qualification Module – 0 credits
- RW 825 Doctor of Ministry Capstone Research Project – 6 credits
Trinity offers two degrees at the Doctor of Ministry level: