Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (48 credits)
RW 001 Trinity Tutorial – 0 credits
Major Core – 36 credits
Major Core – 36 credits
- RW 610 Understanding Bibliographic Research
- BS 518 Biblical Hermeneutics
- TH 511 Theology I
- TH 512 Theology II
- BC 675 Biblical Foundations for Counseling
- BC 504 Depression and Anxiety
- BC 574 The Problem of Suffering
- BC 555 Bereavement Counseling
- BC 565 Marriage and Family Counseling
- BC 518 An Examination of Integrationism in Christian Counseling
- BC 562 Premarital Counseling
- BC 522 Counseling Adolescents
- EL 501 Elective in Any Area of Study
- EL 501 Elective in Any Area of Study
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
- SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective