International Application


International Applicants Admission

At present, Trinity students are residing in over 100 countries. Why? Because the Trinity degree programs meet the ministry needs of local pastors, educators, Christian workers and missionaries around the world. As an international student, you can study at an affordable tuition rate which is within your educational budget. Special financing/reduction in cost is available for international students.

International Transcripts

Whenever possible, Trinity will complete the evaluation of international credentials in-house. Applicants/students will be notified if Trinity determines the international credentials must be evaluated by an outside agency. In such cases, the applicants/students will be responsible for contacting an approved foreign credential evaluation agency and for paying any costs incurred. Transcripts not in English must be evaluated by an appropriate third party and translated into English or a trained transcript evaluator fluent in the language on the transcript. In this case, the evaluator must have expertise in the educational practices of the country of origin and include an English translation of the review.

Application for Admission International Students

For students in the United States, please use the U.S. Application for Admission
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