The Supreme Court has made its decision in same-sex marriage. I hear shouts of anger and cries of near panic emanating from all over the Christian community. I feel I must make some observations and give the readers of this article some points to ponder.
FIRST, A VAST NUMBER OF THE ELIGIBLE VOTERS IN THE EVANGELICAL COMMUNITY DECIDED NOT TO VOTE IN NATIONAL ELECTIONS OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. How can any among this group have the audacity to protest the Supreme Court’s ruling when you failed to vote? There is a tyranny of silence that is pervading the conservative American electorate. As often said, elections have consequences. I am convinced today’s ruling would have been different if those who identify themselves as evangelicals had simply voted.
SECOND, AMONG EVANGELICALS WHO VOTED BUT DID SO ALONG PARTY LINES INSTEAD OF BIBLE LINES, YOU MUST BEAR AS MUCH RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS RULING AS THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. We cannot compartmentalize our faith and be one thing in church on Sunday but another thing in the voting booth on Election Day. Inconsistent compromising believers are guilty of the decisions made by those for whom they vote.
THIRD, NO POLITICAL PARTY, NO PRESIDENT, NO CONGRESS AND NO SUPREME COURT CAN SUSTAIN AMERICA. Only a national revival can insure our nation’s future. The great evangelist, Dwight L Moody, once said that he voted in Cook County but was a citizen of heaven. If there was ever a time for the church to turn to fervent prayer, it is today.
FOURTH, I AM CONVINCED THAT SOCIAL ACTIVISTS WILL TAKE THIS RULING TO DO DEVASTATING HARM TO CHURCHES, CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS AND FAITH-BASED GROUPS IN AN EFFORT TO SHUT THEM DOWN. Pastors and priests will be confronted by activist gays demanding marriage rites be performed or their subsequent complaint to federal authorities.
FIFTH, THIS WILL ULTIMATELY BE A GOOD THING FOR THE CHURCH AS THOSE WHO ARE FEEBLE IN FAITH FALL AWAY. We will see already strong believers become stronger and bolder. For those believers who belong to the cult of the comfortable and convenient, there will be an exodus of unprecedented numbers from theologically conservative churches. Those who remain strong in the faith, will find a renewed joy in serving God in an increasingly antagonistic culture. Just remember what the inimitable Ethel Waters of the Billy Graham team once said during some troublous times, “Child, there ain’t no panic in heaven!”
–Dr. Harold F. Hunter