
Master of Arts

To equip learners for Christian service through biblical, theological, and practical studies.

Learning Competencies

Major Core (number of credits varies) ‐ SEE LISTINGS

Spiritual Formation Core – SEE LISTINGS

Masters Thesis – 3 credits SEE LISTINGS

Electives (number of credits varies) ‐ SEE LISTINGS

Research Course – 3 credits

General Master of Arts Information

Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree. Some students may be allowed to enter into an M.A. degree program without an undergraduate degree.

Total Credits Required = 36 – 48. A minimum of 21 core credits, and 3 Spiritual Formation credits must be earned at Trinity. All courses are 3 semester credit hours unless noted otherwise. Courses may be taken in any order unless otherwise specified. A maximum of 12 credits may be satisfied via transfer credits from other educational institutions. Elective credits must meet one of two criteria: (1) comparable to a course taught at Trinity, or (2) connectivity to Trinity’s program as demonstrated by fulfillment of one of Trinity’s Mission Objectives. Transfer (grades of ‘B’ or above) must satisfy the requirements of the program. Awarding degree credit for experiential learning is not available at the master’s level.

RW 001 Trinity Tutorial – 0 credits

Major Core – 30 credits

  • BS 518 Biblical Hermeneutics
  • PM 541 Theology of Ministry
  • PM 594 Ministry and Contextualization
  • TH 511 Theology I
  • TH 512 Theology II
  • PM 611 Sunday School and Small Group Development
  • EV 659 Strategies for Personal Evangelism
  • AP 660 Principles of Contemporary Apologetics
  • PM 530 Issues in the Modern Church
  • EP 695 Contemporary Preaching

Electives – 9 credits

  • EL 501 Elective in Any Area of Study
  • EL 501 Elective in Any Area of Study
  • EL 501 Elective in Any Area of Study

Spiritual Formation Core – 3 credits

  • SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
  • SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective
  • SF 500 Spiritual Formation Elective

RW 605 Masters Thesis – 3 credits

Trinity offers the following Degrees at the Master’s level in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies:

Trinity offers the following Degrees at the Master’s level in the School of Christ-Centered Counseling:

Trinity offers the following Degrees at the Master’s level in the School of Integrated Apologetics:

Trinity offers the following Degrees at the Master’s level in the School of Practical Ministry:

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