The Most Sought After Online School of Ministry Degrees Are…

If you’re a pastor, minister, or church leader, you probably appreciate any opportunity to gain practical, real-world knowledge concerning the care of others, ministering to others, and managing people within the church.

Trinity School for Practical Ministry

Among our four online schools of ministry, it’s the Trinity School for Practical Ministry that helps people develop the knowledge and skills for hands-on ministry in the local church, missions field, and parachurch ministries.  The Trinity School for Practical Ministry offers 45 different programs within our school of practical ministry to help address the needs of pastors and church leaders all over the world.

From our online ministry school programs like church planting and prison ministry to conflict management to worship arts, there is a program that can help address your need. Not only are the subject areas varied, but the levels of the degrees are different, too. Our online school of ministry offers practical programs at the bachelor, master, and doctorate levels.

Most Popular Online School of Ministry Degrees

That being said, there are certain programs within this broad range of options at our Trinity school for ministry that are much more popular than others.

One of our online school of ministry’s most popular programs is Christian management and leadership. Oftentimes, pastors find that, even within all of the theological and biblical training they have had, management skills and studies were often overlooked or not even included at all. And when you’re serving as a leader, management skills are crucial.

Our master of ministry degree in Christian management and leadership is perfect for the pastor who is seeking the skillset to direct a staff, manage time, and create a functioning church hierarchy.

Another popular degree is pulpit communication and expository preaching. This specific program – offered as a bachelor’s degree, a master of ministry degree, and as a doctorate degree, offers pastors and church teachers the opportunity to better their preaching skills and dig deeper into preaching styles and forms. One of a pastor’s most important functions is the share the Word of God through preaching, and our Trinity school for ministry addresses that importance by offering this very practical and popular program.

Another popular program at our online ministry school is the pastoral ministry program. While this program tends to be a little broader than some of the others, it offers invaluable knowledge and skill in such areas as preaching, conflict management, and general pastoral care. All of our online school of ministry programs were created by pastors with years of experience serving as leaders and caregivers. That is why the pastoral ministry program is so popular: it offers real-world experience and knowledge.

Christian management and leadership, pulpit communication and expository preaching, and pastoral ministry are just a few of the programs offered at our school of practical ministry. For more information, complete the “More Information” form on the right side of this page or call 1-800-457-5510 to speak to an Admissions Counselor.

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