Trinity Insight

The Steps You Need to Write a Research Paper STEP ONE: CHOOSE A TOPIC Select

A précis is a concise restating of a book, journal article, or some other work.

How To Master Diction, Rhetoric, and Style
DICTIONHow To Master Diction, Rhetoric, and StyleDiction refers to precision and clarity in word choice

“CRITICISM”: n. The art, skill or profession of making discriminating judgments and evaluations.THE ESSENCE OF

Writing Information and Help – Writing and Style Index An index of the Writing Information

A good paragraph is a mini-essay. It should demonstrate three components: Introduction, i.e., a topic

How To Write Correct Sentences
Master the essentials of the sentence as an aid to clear thinking and effective writing.

Biblical Counseling Degree Online
View a Demo Trinity’s counseling programs are Christ-centered and designed to prepare students for the

Does the idea of earning your next degree in theological education sound like an exciting

Online Biblical Studies Degree at Trinity
Looking for a college of biblical studies where you can earn an online biblical studies degree? Johnathan Pritchett, explains what students can expect from programs in Biblical and Theological Studies at Trinity

How to Get a DMin Pastoral Care and Counseling
Want to get your DMin Pastoral Care and Counseling online? Learn more about Trinity’s School of Christ-Centered Counseling and our pastoral counseling degree online. Click or call 1-800-457-5510