
How To Write A Precis

A précis is a concise restating of a book, journal article, or some other work. The word comes from the Old French and means to “cut short” (, so this is essentially what writing a précis entails. The purpose is to explain the main points, the supporting points, and the outline of the original work,

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How To Master Diction, Rhetoric, and Style

DICTIONHow To Master Diction, Rhetoric, and StyleDiction refers to precision and clarity in word choice as well as appropriate levels of usage. Make certain that every word means exactly what you intend it to mean. Eliminate ambiguity. Avoid informal, colloquial, regional, dialectical, nonstandard, archaic, and cliché expressions.RHETORICRhetoric is the art of using language effectively. Rhetoric

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How To Write Good Paragraphs

A good paragraph is a mini-essay. It should demonstrate three components: Introduction, i.e., a topic sentence Body, i.e., supporting details Conclusion or a transitional sentence to the paragraph that follows. A good paragraph is characterized by unity, coherence, and adequate development. Unity: State the main idea of the paragraph in a clearly constructed topic sentence. Make

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Trinity is Right for You

Does the idea of earning your next degree in theological education sound like an exciting prospect? Perhaps you’ve wondered how it might benefit your ministry, and the incredible work you’re doing for the Kingdom. Many people put off theological education or choose not to pursue their next degree because of the cost or time they

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